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Strapit Active Tape V2 - Pattern

Strapit Active Tape V2 - Pattern

Verð 1.592 kr
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Gripit Active Tape er ætlað íþróttafólki sem glímir við eftirköst meiðsla og/eða mikils álags á vöðva og liðamót. Teipið styður við eðlilegan hreyfiferil og léttir þannig það álag sem einstakir liðir og vöðvar glíma við í æfingum og keppni.

Teipið heldur upphaflegri lögun og styrk og heldur þannig stuðningseiginleikum og krafti til lok æfingar / álags.

V2 Gripit Activetape. Waterproof, functional deloading tape. Memory fabric deloads and reloads through full range of motion. Low allergy adhesive. Gripit Activetape V2 is a multi-directional stretch tape. This durable, functional tape contours well to all body shapes and sizes.

Educational and interesting videos from the creator of Gripit

Strapit 3.0 Taping Techniques - ACTIVETAPE
PREPARING SKIN / HOW TO APPLY Video explaining how to use ACTIVETAPE Video link here
Ankle Compressive ankle activetape support technique Video link here
Calf / Achilles Standard application of offload calf / achilles region Video link here
Plantar Fascia Mechanical correction of plantar fascia / windlass Video link here
Plantar Fascia Video 2 - different angle Video link here
Shoulder For anterior shoulder stability and support of cocking phase of throwing Video link here
Ankle/Shin Splints Deload taping of tib ant / tib post for shin splints / MTSS / compartment syndrome Video link here
Knee  Anterior Knee Taping Technique Video link here
Knee  Anterior Knee additiona of Patella Maltracking Support Video link here
Hamstring Hamstring deload technique using our version 1 activetape Video link here
Wrist / Hand Application for DeQuervains Tenosynovitis Video link here
Lower Back ACTIVETAPE application for disc / flexion pain Video link here
Posture Correction of protraction / poor posture positioning Video link here
Shoulder / Posture Combined application of anterior positioned shoulder and scapular dyskinesia Video link here
Neck Pain / Cervical Spine Deloading of Neck pain - UT, Scalanes, B.Plexus etc Video link here