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Vitargo +Electrolyte steinefnablanda

Vitargo +Electrolyte steinefnablanda

Verð 7.890 kr
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Vitargo +Electrolyte sameinar hið einstaka hreina Vitargo með viðbættum steinefnum. Þannig getur þú á auðveldan hátt passað að rétt blóðsykursmagn og jafnvægi steinefna sé eins og það á að vera á meðan æfingu eða keppni stendur. Electrolyte drykkurinn endurheimtir glycogen birgðir líkamans, steinefni og vökvajafnvægi eftir átök. Líkamsupptakan er gríðarlega snögg þar sem drykkurinn er ofur-hypotonic.
Inniheldur: Sodium, Potassium, Calcium og Magnesium.

1 skammtur = 70g (1,5dl)
Bragð: Sítrus
Blandast í vatn

Vitargo+ELECTROLYTE contains the unique patented Vitargo® with added minerals. With Vitargo+ELECTROLYTE you can ensure, in an effective way, the right blood sugar level and mineral balance during training/competition whilst restoring glycogen levels, mineral and fluid balance in the body after an activity. Vitargo+ELECTROLYTE has a low osmolality and is an ultra-hypotonic sport drink, i.e. the drink passes quickly through the stomach into the small intestine where the uptake of fluid and energy occurs.
Vitargo+ELECTROLYTE contains the following mineral salts: Sodium, Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium.

1 serving = 70g (1,5dl)
Flavour: Citrus
Mix in water.